Pros and Cons of Building a Fence

When you consider building a fence around your property line or around your pool, you have to consider the pros and the cons.

The pros of building a fence are certainly why we see so many residential fences around neighborhoods all over america.



The biggest pro, of course, is the privacy a fence can provide you and your family. Having a fence around your property or your pool will allow you to garden, play catch or sun bathe without disturbing your neighbors, or feeling as though you are being watched. You are also free to garden, and play at your leisure. Having privacy in your own yard can play a vital role in ensuring you have quality time outdoors with your friends and family.


Having a fenced in yard will provide you and your family safety and peace of mind. If you have a swimming pool, most counties and cities have very specific legislation in place for fencing around the pool area, so it is important to check on the legislation in your area. The fence can also keep unwanted visitors out of your yard. If you have a garden you can always build a deer/wildlife fence to ensure that your vegetables go untouched. If you have a dog you can build a property line fence so he or she can run free without you worrying about them not returning home.

The biggest cons in building a fence are often overlooked. Months or years after building a fence consumers may feel like they made the wrong decision.



A lot of communities. subdivisions and suburban areas prides themselves on the openness and friendliness of their neighborhoods. If you are new to an area and immediately put up a fence, no matter what your personal reason may be, it may be seen as an unfriendly move.


Keeping a wooden fence clean, safe and an asset to your property takes a lot of work. You must maintain the fence at least yearly by cleaning, staining and of course repairing. The wind and weather can also damage it, so you may need to call a professional contractor to help you with the upkeep.

When determining whether to build a fence or not, it is important to weigh the pros and cons. Typically, the pros will outweigh the cons.